Think Straight by Darius Foroux
I know something about you without knowing you. I bet you spend A LOT of time in your head. You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, freaking out -- call it whatever you want. I call it a preoccupied mind. And with what? 99% of your thoughts are useless. William James, once the leading psychologist in America, and one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism, put it best: "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." Pragmatism believes that the mind is a tool. Your mind should work for you, not against you. People who don't master their mind, don't believe it's possible. They say: "I can't help but thinking these things." Well, you can TAKE CONTROL of your mind with enough practice. I've done it. And in THINK STRAIGHT,